In parts one and two of this series, I discussed why my local community garden is inaccessible and how I created my indoor hydroponic garden as an alternative. Now I want to dig a little deeper into how disability impacts my gardening and how gardening impacts my disability. The intermittent nature of my chronic illness means that sometimes I have full use of all four limbs and all five senses, but many times I don’t. Whatever I'm capable of doing on any given day, I won't be able to do it for long. Having a garden in my living room means I never have to walk more than 10 steps in any direction and can sit in a comfortable chair to rest periodically. Because I don’t have to travel to an outside location, I’m free to work in my garden a few minutes at a time and take breaks when I can’t focus on the task at hand. Timers for my grow lights and a plant calendar app help with consistency and planning. In a climate-controlled building, there’s no danger of heat exhaustion. Working...
Exploring disability identity and representation